Leaving for home tomorrow!
Here are some things I have learned.
I pack too much.
But I never pack enough t-shirts.
New Yorkers are not any ruder than any other people.
Subways and busses are fast, efficient, safe and cheap.
Panhandlers who are passed out get more money than those who are not passed out.
I confused the Empire State Building and the Chrysler Building the whole time I was here.
Confronting my own loneliness was THE most painful part of my whole experience.
I love love love weird, obscure research.
(the moon out my window 8-10-11)
The thrift stores here are especially filthy.
The churches are gorgeous.
I love riding the subway!
It's hard to find a V8.
It's easy to find Nutella.
There are bags of trash and the smell of trash everywhere.
I'm not sure I'm any better at yoga, even after doing it 2-5 times per week.
I HATE hot yoga, even lukewarm yoga.
My favorite thing about NYC is the normalization of walking everywhere.
I've not had one good night's sleep since I've been here, with the exception of when James and Zack and my sisters visited.
Nearly every eating spot has some sort of award or Food Network appearance poster in the window.
Filene's Basement is not actually in a basement.
I had brought books and knitting and the "good" camera....never had the time.